Time to Shrine

                                shrines 12"x3'                                       self-portrait 14"x20"

                It's been a while since I've decided to write. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's been months. Days seem to fly by so unannounced these days...this weightlessness and tumbling and turning...I find myself surprised when another month appears.

                I started making shrines a few months back. It wasn't a conscious decision, I just found some free wood on an alley walk one morning...and it started like that. I've had art supplies at my side my entire life (priorities!), so I had no shortage on materials once the 'canvas' presented itself.

                I was raised by parents who were raised Catholic. I was not. I was, however, imprinted with a strong love of the Virgin of Guadalupe. She always felt so safe, loving, and protective. I think that with everything we've been experiencing, from Covid to forest fires, our political system to our racial injustices...well, it feels like we are in High order for some serious LOVE towards ourselves and others. It's funny to realize, but my most recent delve into art (folk art) has been a personal pursuit to find and express love and protection.

                Life has felt extremely lifey to me this year. Losing Henry last spring keeps opening up new worlds to me. I have found myself completely disoriented by no longer being an active 'mom' to a 14 year old boy. A very VERY big part of me feels lost. And so, it's time to evolve into whatever is next for me...and this feels so wildly unexpected. 

              I have a beautiful and incredible 20 year old daughter that I get to focus on. I have an amazing niece with a brand new little baby boy I get to spend time with most weeks. I have my family and friends who also use their art (of choice) to find their way through this complicated time. 

             Today I will finish up my Self-Portrait (the last piece on the right). It includes some of my favorite things I've received over the years. These are all items that I've been keeping safe in little places around my room...and now they will be all together, a collection of what makes me, Me. I'm hoping to start doing this for others...it feels timely and personal. 

             I hope to pop in here a little more often ~ it feels good to write again, to connect. That's why we're here, I believe. To connect ~ to love. Sending my love and hope for peace to all of us ~ I think we could all use a little more. I know I could. 

*Materials used:  wood, paint, brass, glitter, glass, feathers, plastic tabs, drawing from Bella as a child, shells, tiles, small fabric pin, ceramic butterflies, affirmations from my sister, and resin.


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