my gratitude list for today ~

me and the kids back in 2013 ~ Maui, Hi Tomorrow is my follow up with my neurologist. We will be going over my latest MRI results, we'll talk about the new lesions, and what he recommends (more strongly this time, I'm guessing). I was scared the other day when I last spoke with him...Jesus, only eight days ago? I felt that maybe I should take his advice and go on one of the MS meds. Why was I still wrestling with this idea so intensely? I decided to listen to my intuition, and first do a little more research. I looked at all the meds offered. I found a site that not only compared the 56 or so meds intended to help MS, but it also included written reviews of the medications by others with MS. In fact, the med my neuro suggested for me has 115 reviews. Jackpot! It's one thing to listen to what your healthy doctor has to say about a drug and its side-effects, but if I want the truth, I know better than to trust a medically trained expert. For me to belie...