15 days after Henry left this reality ~ and today (nearly 6mo later...)

me and little man - from my book I just looked at the last entry I made, on March 19th, and I oddly finished with, "life is so unpredictable..." My 14 1/2 yr old son, Henry, died on March 27th. Two weeks ago yesterday. Eight days after that last post. My superhero side-kick, my little man who I worried over for his entire life, just passed away. I know I am still in a bit of shock, as just the act of typing out these truths makes me feel as if I might be sick, or need to run, or both. It's a strange thing to grow up always hearing that the worst thing that could ever happen to you is the loss of your child. You're supposed to be outlived by your babies, right? My biggest fear, as Henry grew older, was that I might die before him . I didn't know how anyone else could possibly love him as fiercely as I do, could advocate for his needs as persistently as I do, who could make him laugh when some idiot stared too long or said somethin...